This anterior-based approach, an alternative to the direct anterior surgical approach, may prove to be an improved alternative for anterior hip-based surgery. The book explains why.
The minimally invasive, anterior-based muscle-sparing (ABMS) approach to total hip arthroplasty (THA) is utilized worldwide in select locations as an effective surgical technique. As the name suggests, it is completely muscle-sparing and touts the benefits of anterior-based surgery, including a lower dislocation rate, quicker return to baseline function, and lower narcotic use than many other surgical approaches. However, there is a paucity of collected information on the technique and research associated with this technique.
This text serves as a compendium of information for those surgeons interested in utilizing this surgical approach as an all-inclusive reference. As an alternative anterior-based approach to the direct anterior surgical approach, some surgeons may find the technique an improved alternative for anterior hip-based surgery. Opening chapters present the history of the anterolateral approach and how to transition to the ABMS approach, including surgical anatomy. ABMS technique with the patient positioned in both the lateral and supine positions are then presented, including associated video segments. Considerations such as implant selection, fixation, and other tips and tricks are shared, along with comparisons to other approaches, patient-reported outcomes, complications and revision surgery techniques, and rehabilitation strategies.
For hip surgeons looking to expand their armamentarium of surgical approaches, The Anterior-Based Muscle-Sparing Approach to Total Hip Arthroplasty is a terrific resource.
"This textbook marks the culmination of over 20 years of education and experience in hip surgery. I have been fortunate in my career to train under and work with some amazing individuals through my residency and fellowship. In addition, I have had the pleasure of training some of the brightest residents and fellows, who have taught me and influenced me as much over my career as I have hopefully done for them. With every teaching conference and research meeting, I am astonished at the bright and inquisitive minds that surround me every day." —Jeffrey A. Geller, MD
Partial List of Chapters
- The Idea of "Minimally Invasive Solution" Total Hip Arthroplasty: History and Perspective Behind the Modernization of Surgery Through the Watson-Jones Muscle Interval —Heinz Röttinger
- Transitioning to the ABMS Approach —Timothy Kahn, Jill Erickson and Christopher L. Peters
- Anatomy of the ABMS Approach to the Hip —Nicholas C. Danford and Alexander L. Neuwirth
- ABMS THA in the Lateral Position —George Babikian
- The AMBS Approach to Total Hip Replacement in the Supine Position —Mohammad S. Abdelaal and Peter F. Sharkey